As a Mac user, you do not face as much problem as Windows user; however, it doesn't mean that your Mac won’t misbehave from time to time. Here we will discuss about three instant fixes to your Mac’s common issues.
The Fix List:
Before we start, all the fixes that have been described here are safe as long as you follow them the same way as described. Here are the given fixes are not at all invasive, but you always make certain that you have a backup of your PC, no matter what troubleshooting you are executing. It’s a good rule of thumb.
1. Power Cycle:
You must have heard this famous line “have you tried powering it off and on again?" It is actually the very first thing that a user must carry out encountering the first sign of trouble. When you restart your computer, it boots the operating system. If there is something that has crashed, and bogging down your Mac, or there is a particular function fails to work, most of the time a simple restart fixes the problem.
What will it fix?
Almost everything! If you doubt that your Mac is misbehaving, just restart. In this present age, where most of you have portable computer, you tend to forget that restart is a great troubleshooting step. Sometimes you just close the lid and let it go sleep; remember this won’t be counted as a shutdown because when you start it resumes from where it left off.
2. Remove Unused Apps:
FixType: Software:
Sometimes a software issue occurs because of other app being incompatible. While most of the Mac applications are just an app in the Applications folder, still they can put additional files elsewhere. You can remove the apps by Application folders or through Launchpad. There are also uninstall tools that can scan your hard drive for the related files.
What will it fix?
Eradicating unused software will not only avoid incompatibilities, but also free up your disk space.
3. NVRAM Reset:
Fix Type: Keyboard shortcut
NVRAM Reset is just a key combination that works at startup. It is a special part of the system memory used by Mac in order to store hardware settings. Sometimes it is referred as a PRAM Reset, but actually there is no difference between NVRAM and PRAM. What does NVRAM store?
• Speaker volume
• Startup disk selection
• Screen resolution
• Recent Kernel panic information, if there is any
What will it Fix?
Turn off and turn on your Mac while holding the key combination Command+Option+P+R. Your Mac will make sound as if it’s booting (with the chime), and your screen may flicker. It reboots and makes a sound second time. When it sounds second time, hold off the keys.
Holding off these keys will reset NVRAM. It will solve the following issues:
• Sound not emitting through speakers
• Screen resolution fail to alter correctly
• Taking long time to boot
Even the issue that you are facing not mentioned above, resetting the PRAM would be helpful and it’s a good approach. It is elementary to do and doesn’t take a toll on the health of your Mac. For more information please visit Mac Desktop Repair
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